MCQs on Basic Forensic Science with Answers

50+ MCQs on Basic Forensic Science

Learn the answers to more than 50 of the most Basic Forensic Science Questions, which will assist you on any exam concerning forensic science.

MCQS On Basic Forensic Science

1.What is the primary goal of forensic science?
A) To exonerate innocent people
B) To identify suspects and bring them to justice
C) To punish criminals

Answer: B) To identify suspects and bring them to justice

2. What is the difference between circumstantial and direct evidence?
A) Circumstantial evidence requires interpretation, while direct evidence speaks for itself
B) Circumstantial evidence is less reliable than direct evidence
C) Circumstantial evidence is always physical evidence, while direct evidence is always eyewitness testimony
D) Circumstantial Evidence and Direct Evidence are no different

Answer: A) Circumstantial evidence requires interpretation, while direct evidence speaks for it

3. The study of the decomposition of the human body is known as:
A) Forensic Chemistry
B) Forensic Anthropology
C) Forensic Pathology
D) Forensic Entomology

Answer: C) Forensic Pathology

4. The use of scientific techniques to analyze and interpret evidence in criminal cases is known as:
A) Forensic Science
B) Criminalistics
C) Criminology
D) Forensic Medicine

Answer: A) Forensic Science

Common FAQ Related To Forensic Science

5. Which of the following is a type of forensic evidence?
A) Blood
C) Fingerprints
D) All of the above

Answer: D) All of the above

6. The examination of physical evidence such as hair, fibers, and paint is known as:
A) Forensic Entomology
B) Forensic Chemistry
C) Trace Evidence Analysis
D) Forensic Anthropology

Answer: C) Trace Evidence Analysis

7. The study of insects and their life cycles to determine the time of death is known as:
A) Forensic Anthropology
B) Forensic Pathology
C) Forensic Entomology
D) Forensic Psychology

Answer: C) Forensic Entomology

8. The use of firearms and ammunition in criminal investigations is known as:
A) Forensic Anthropology
B) Forensic Ballistics
C) Forensic Toxicology
D) Forensic Psychiatry

Answer: B) Forensic Ballistics

9. The use of chemical analysis to identify and compare substances is known as:
A) Forensic Chemistry
B) Forensic Anthropology
C) Forensic Medicine
D) Forensic Botany

Answer: A) Forensic Chemistry

10. The study of bones and skeletal remains to identify individuals and determine the cause of death is known as:
A) Forensic Anthropology
B) Forensic Pathology
C) Forensic Psychology
D) Forensic Botany

Answer: A) Forensic Anthropology

Also Read: MCQs on Forensic Science

11. The examination of handwriting and signatures to determine authenticity is known as:
A) Forensic Document Examination
B) Forensic Anthropology
C) Forensic Pathology
D) Forensic Botany

Answer: A) Forensic Document Examination

12. The study of the physical and chemical properties of soils to identify crime scene evidence is known as:
A) Forensic Botany
B) Forensic Geology
C) Forensic Anthropology
D) Forensic Pathology

Answer: B) Forensic Geology

13. The study of the movement and behaviour of objects in motion, such as vehicles, is known as:
A) Forensic Ballistics
B) Forensic Engineering
C) Forensic Physics
D) Forensic Anthropology

Answer: B) Forensic Engineering

14. The analysis of DNA to identify individuals and link them to a crime is known as:
A) Forensic Serology
B) Forensic Anthropology
C) Forensic Genetics
D) Forensic Botany

Answer: C) Forensic Genetics

15. The study of fire and explosion scenes to determine the cause and origin of the incident is known as:
A) Forensic Arson Investigation
B) Forensic Fire Investigation
C) Forensic Chemistry
D) Forensic Anthropology

Answer: B) Forensic Fire Investigation

16. The use of psychological principles to understand criminal behavior and motivations is known as:
A) Forensic Psychology
B) Forensic Psychiatry
C) Forensic Pathology
D) Forensic Anthropology

Answer: A) Forensic Psychology

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17. The study of digital evidence such as computers and cell phones in criminal investigations is known as:
A) Computer Forensics
B) Electronic Forensic
C) Forensic IT
D) Forensic Anthropology

Answer: A) Computer Forensics

18. The study of teeth and bite marks to identify suspects and victims is known as:
A) Forensic Odontology
B) Forensic Anthropology
C) Forensic Pathology
D) Forensic Botany

Answer: A) Forensic Odontology

19. The study of the patterns of bloodstains at a crime scene to determine the nature of the crime is known as:
A) Forensic Hematology
B) Forensic Serology
C) Forensic Anthropology
D) Bloodstain Pattern Analysis

Answer: D) Bloodstain Pattern Analysis

20. The use of geographic information and mapping techniques to analyze crime scenes is known as:
A) Forensic Cartography
B) Forensic Anthropology
C) Forensic Pathology
D) Forensic Geography

Answer: D) Forensic Geography

21. The use of video and image analysis to enhance and interpret surveillance footage is known as:
A) Forensic Video and Image Analysis
B) Forensic Anthropology
C) Forensic Pathology
D) Forensic Psychology

Answer: A) Forensic Video and Image Analysis

22. The study of the structure and function of bones to determine the age, sex, and race of an individual is known as:
A) Forensic Osteology
B) Forensic Anthropology
C) Forensic Pathology
D) Forensic Botany

Answer: A) Forensic Osteology

23. The examination of chemical residues such as drugs and poisons in the human body to determine the cause of death is known as:
A) Forensic Toxicology
B) Forensic Anthropology
C) Forensic Pathology
D) Forensic Botany

Answer: A) Forensic Toxicology

24. The examination of audio evidence such as recordings and voiceprints to identify individuals and detect forgeries is known as:
A) Forensic Audio Analysis
B) Forensic Anthropology
C) Forensic Pathology
D) Forensic Psychology

Answer: A) Forensic Audio Analysis

25. The examination of physical injuries to determine their cause and timing is known as:
A) Forensic Traumatology
B) Forensic Anthropology
C) Forensic Pathology
D) Forensic Botany

Answer: A) Forensic Traumatology

26. The examination of fire debris to determine the presence of accelerants is known as:
A) Forensic Arson Investigation
B) Forensic Fire Investigation
C) Forensic Chemistry
D) Forensic Anthropology

Answer: A) Forensic Arson Investigation

27. The study of the weather and environmental conditions at a crime scene to aid in investigations is known as:
A) Forensic Meteorology
B) Forensic Anthropology
C) Forensic Pathology
D) Forensic Botany

Answer: A) Forensic Meteorology

28. The use of statistical methods to analyze and interpret data related to criminal investigations is known as:
A) Forensic Statistics
B) Forensic Anthropology
C) Forensic Pathology
D) Forensic Psychology

Answer: A) Forensic Statistics

29. The use of hypnosis to recover lost or repressed memories in criminal investigations is known as:
A) Forensic Hypnosis
B) Forensic Psychiatry
C) Forensic Pathology
D) Forensic Psychology

Answer: A) Forensic Hypnosis

30. The use of X-rays and other imaging techniques to examine bones and other tissues for evidence of trauma is known as:
A) Forensic Radiology
B) Forensic Anthropology
C) Forensic Pathology
D) Forensic Botany

Answer: A) Forensic Radiology

31. The examination of human remains for evidence of foul play is known as:
A) Forensic Anthropology
B) Forensic Pathology
C) Forensic Botany
D) Forensic Chemistry

Answer: B) Forensic Pathology

32. The examination of tool marks left on objects at a crime scene to determine the type of tool used and potentially link it to a suspect is known as:
A) Forensic Tool Mark Analysis
B) Forensic Anthropology
C) Forensic Pathology
D) Forensic Botany

Answer: A) Forensic Tool Mark Analysis

33. The examination of digital evidence such as computer files, cell phone data, and social media posts to aid in investigations is known as:
A) Digital Forensics
B) Forensic Anthropology
C) Forensic Pathology
D) Forensic Psychology

Answer: A) Digital Forensics

34. The use of facial recognition technology and other biometric data to identify individuals and detect forgeries is known as:
A) Forensic Biometrics
B) Forensic Anthropology
C) Forensic Pathology
D) Forensic Psychology

Answer: A) Forensic Biometrics

35. The examination of footwear impressions found at a crime scene to identify the type of shoe and potentially link it to a suspect is known as:
A) Forensic Shoe Print Analysis
B) Forensic Anthropology
C) Forensic Pathology
D) Forensic Botany

Answer: A) Forensic Shoe Print Analysis

36. The examination of fibers found at a crime scene to identify their origin and potentially link them to a suspect is known as:
A) Forensic Fiber Analysis
B) Forensic Anthropology
C) Forensic Pathology
D) Forensic Botany

Answer: A) Forensic Fiber Analysis

37. The examination of remains to determine the cause and manner of death is known as:
A) Forensic Anthropology
B) Forensic Pathology
C) Forensic Entomology
D) Forensic Botany

Answer: B) Forensic Pathology

38. The examination of animal remains to aid in determining the time of death is known as:
A) Forensic Zoology
B) Forensic Anthropology
C) Forensic Pathology
D) Forensic Botany

Answer: A) Forensic Zoology

39. The examination of plant material found at a crime scene to aid in investigations is known as:
A) Forensic Botany
B) Forensic Anthropology
C) Forensic Pathology
D) Forensic Zoology

Answer: A) Forensic Botany

40. The examination of dental records to aid in identifying human remains is known as:
A) Forensic Dentistry
B) Forensic Anthropology
C) Forensic Pathology
D) Forensic Psychology

Answer: A) Forensic Dentistry

41. The examination of explosives and explosive residues to aid in investigations is known as:
A) Forensic Explosives Analysis
B) Forensic Anthropology
C) Forensic Pathology
D) Forensic Botany

Answer: A) Forensic Explosives Analysis

42. The examination of physical and trace evidence from a crime scene to aid in investigations is known as:
A) Forensic Science
B) Forensic Anthropology
C) Forensic Pathology
D) Forensic Botany

Answer: A) Forensic Science

43. The examination of the handwriting and other features of written communication to identify the author is known as:
A) Forensic Linguistics
B) Forensic Anthropology
C) Forensic Pathology
D) Forensic Psychology

Answer: A) Forensic Linguistics

44. The examination of fingerprints left at a crime scene to aid in investigations is known as:
A) Fingerprint Examination
B) Forensic Anthropology
C) Forensic Pathology
D) Forensic Botany

Answer: A) Fingerprint Examination

45. The examination of documents to determine their authenticity and to detect forgeries is known as:
A) Forensic Document Analysis
B) Forensic Anthropology
C) Forensic Pathology
D) Forensic Botany

Answer: A) Forensic Document Analysis

46. The examination of tool marks and other impressions left at a crime scene to aid in investigations is known as:
A) Forensic Toolmark Analysis
B) Forensic Anthropology
C) Forensic Pathology
D) Forensic Botany

Answer: A) Forensic Toolmark Analysis

47. The examination of video and audio evidence to aid in investigations is known as:
A) Forensic Multimedia Analysis
B) Forensic Anthropology
C) Forensic Pathology
D) Forensic Botany

Answer: A) Forensic Multimedia Analysis

48. The examination of paint and other coatings found at a crime scene to aid in investigations is known as:
A) Forensic Paint Analysis
B) Forensic Anthropology
C) Forensic Pathology
D) Forensic Botany

Answer: A) Forensic Paint Analysis

49. The examination of voice recordings and other vocal evidence to aid in investigations is known as:
A) Forensic Phonetics
B) Forensic Anthropology
C) Forensic Pathology
D) Forensic Botany

Answer: A) Forensic Phonetics

50. The examination of electrical evidence to aid in investigations is known as:
A) Forensic Electrical Engineering
B) Forensic Anthropology
C) Forensic Pathology
D) Forensic Botany

Answer: A) Forensic Electrical Engineering

51. The examination of the environment and the effects of human activity on it to aid in investigations is known as:
A) Forensic Ecology
B) Forensic Anthropology
C) Forensic Pathology
D) Forensic Botany

Answer: A) Forensic Ecology

52. The examination of food and beverage items for poison and other harmful substances to aid in investigations is known as:
A) Food Forensics
B) Forensic Anthropology
C) Forensic Pathology
D) Forensic Zoology

Answer: A) Food Forensics

53. The examination of fibers and textiles found at a crime scene to aid in investigations is known as:
A) Forensic Textile Analysis
B) Forensic Anthropology
C) Forensic Pathology
D) Forensic Botany

Answer: A) Forensic Textile Analysis

54. The examination of DNA evidence to aid in investigations is known as:
A) Forensic DNA Analysis
B) Forensic Anthropology
C) Forensic Pathology
D) Forensic Botany

Answer: A) Forensic DNA Analysis

55. What is forensic graphology?
A) The study of handwriting and signature analysis in forensic investigations
B) The study of graphs and charts in forensic investigations
C) The study of graph theory in forensic investigations
D) The Study of Numbers in document

Answer: A) The study of handwriting and signature analysis in forensic investigations

56. What factors can forensic graphologists examine in handwriting and signature analysis?
A) Letter formations and shapes
B) Stroke patterns and pressure
C) Slant and spacing
D) All of the above

Answer: D) All of the above

57. The examination of bloodstains and other bodily fluids found at a crime scene to aid in investigations is known as:
A) Forensic Serology
B) Forensic Anthropology
C) Forensic Pathology
D) Forensic Botany

Answer: A) Forensic Serology

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58. The examination of physical evidence to determine if it has been altered or tampered with is known as:
A) Forensic Evidence Analysis
B) Forensic Anthropology
C) Forensic Pathology
D) Forensic Botany

Answer: A) Forensic Evidence Analysis

59. What is the role of an evidence examiner in a criminal investigation?
A) To collect evidence from a crime scene
B) To analyze and interpret physical evidence in a forensic laboratory
C) To present evidence in court
D) All of the above

Answer: B) To analyze and interpret physical evidence in a forensic laboratory

60. Which of the following is a limitation of forensic science?
A) It is always 100% accurate and reliable
B) It can only be used in criminal investigations
C) It is dependent on the quality and quantity of physical evidence
D) It can be easily manipulated or falsified by investigators or suspects

Answer: C) It is dependent on the quality and quantity of physical evidence

61. Which of the following is an example of physical evidence that may be found at a crime scene?
A) Testimony of a witness
B) Confession of a suspect
C) Blood stain on a shirt
D) All of the above

Answer: C) Blood stain on a shirt

62. What is the first step in processing a crime scene?
A) Collecting physical evidence
B) Securing the area and ensuring safety
C) Interviewing witnesses and suspects
D) Arresting Suspects

Answer: B) Securing the area and ensuring safety

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63. What is the most common evidence found at crime scenes?
A) DNA evidence
B) Fingerprints
C) Bloodstain patterns
D) Trace evidence

Answer: D) Trace evidence

64. Which of the following is NOT a type of physical evidence?
A) Bloodstains
B) Eyewitness testimony
C) Hair
D) Fingerprints

Answer: B) Eyewitness testimony

65. Which of the following is NOT a method for collecting DNA evidence?
A) Blood sample
B) Saliva swab
C) Urine sample
D) Hair sample

Answer: C) Urine sample

66. Which of the following is NOT an example of trace evidence?
A) Fibers
B) Glass fragments
C) Footprints
D) Paint chips

Answer: C) Footprints

67. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of reliable eyewitness testimony?
A) Close proximity to the event
B) Neutral witness
C) Ability to recall events accurately
D) Suggestive questioning by law enforcement

Answer: D) Suggestive questioning by law enforcement

68. Which of the following is NOT a type of pattern evidence?
A) Blood spatter
B) Fingerprint impressions
C) Shoeprints
D) Witness testimony

Answer: D) Witness testimony

69. Which of the following is an example of circumstantial evidence?
A) A murder weapon with the suspect’s fingerprints on it
B) An eyewitness account of the crime
C) A surveillance video of the crime being committed
D) A suspect’s alibi that is later proven false

Answer: D) A suspect’s alibi that is later proven false

70. Which of the following is an example of documentary evidence?
A) A bloody knife found at the crime scene
B) A police report detailing the investigation
C) A set of fingerprints lifted from a door handle
D) A DNA sample collected from the victim’s body

Answer: B) A police report detailing the investigation

71. Which of the following is an example of testimonial evidence?
A) A set of footprints found at the crime scene
B) A DNA sample collected from the suspect
C) A statement from a witness who saw the suspect fleeing the scene
D) A photograph of the victim’s injuries

Answer: C) A statement from a witness who saw the suspect fleeing the scene

72. Which of the following is an example of physical evidence?
A) A suspect’s confession to the crime
B) A polygraph test administered to a suspect
C) A bloodstain found on the suspect’s clothing
D) A witness’s statement about the suspect’s whereabouts at the time of the crime

Answer: C) A bloodstain found on the suspect’s clothing

73. Which of the following is an example of trace evidence?
A) A confession made by the suspect
B) A photograph of the suspect at the crime scene
C) A piece of broken glass found near the victim’s body
D) A witness’s description of the suspect’s vehicle

Answer: C) A piece of broken glass found near the victim’s

74. Which of the following is a limitation of using eyewitness testimony in criminal investigations?
A) It is always 100% accurate and reliable
B) It can provide important information about a crime
C) It is susceptible to memory distortions and biases
D) It is only admissible as evidence if the witness is an expert in the relevant field

Answer: C) It is susceptible to memory distortions and biases

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