MCQs on Tardieu’s Spots with Answers

Here are some multiple-choice questions (MCQs) about Tardieu’s spots, along with their answers:

Question 1: What are Tardieu’s spots?

a) Skin discolorations due to sun exposure
b) Blood extravasations resulting from postmortem capillary rupture
c) Lesions caused by a bacterial infection
d) Allergic reactions on the skin

Question 2: In which areas are Tardieu’s spots typically observed?

a) Lower limbs
b) Parietal pleura
c) Face, conjunctiva, and epiglottis
d) Abdominal organs

Question 3: What can Tardieu’s spots indicate in forensic pathology?

a) Allergic reactions
b) Asphyxiation
c) Drowning
d) Poisoning


Question 4: When do Tardieu’s spots occur?

a) During life
b) Immediately after death
c) Due to bacterial infection
d) Postmortem, in relation to lividity

Question 5: What is the significance of Tardieu’s spots in forensic analysis?

a) Indicate the time of death
b) Suggest the cause of death
c) Provide information about the person’s diet
d) Reflect the individual’s medical history

Question 6: Which of the following is a possible cause of Tardieu’s spots?

a) Excessive sunlight exposure
b) Postmortem capillary rupture due to intense lividity
c) Allergic reaction to food
d) Chronic skin inflammation

Question 7: In forensic investigations, Tardieu’s spots may be associated with:

a) Lightning strike
b) Suffocation by hanging
c) Hypothermia
d) Food poisoning

Question 8: Where are petechial haemorrhages rarely seen in the body?

a) Face
b) Parietal pleura
c) Epiglottis
d) Lower limbs

Question 9: What term is commonly used to describe the process that leads to the formation of petechiae?

a) Rigor mortis
b) Postmortem staining
c) Livor mortis
d) Capillary engorgement

Decomposition: Definition, Types & Process

Question 10: The following distinguishes petechiae from other postmortem changes:

a) Odor
b) Texture
c) Color
d) Temperature


  • 1. Answer: b) Blood extravasations resulting from postmortem capillary rupture
  • 2. Answer: c) Face, conjunctiva, and epiglottis
  • 3. Answer: b) Asphyxiation
  • 4. Answer: d) Postmortem, in relation to lividity
  • 5. Answer: b) Suggest the cause of death
  • 6. Answer: b) Postmortem capillary rupture due to intense lividity
  • 7. Answer: b) Suffocation by hanging
  • 8. Answer: b) Parietal pleura
  • 9. Answer: c) Livor mortis
  • 10. Answer: c) Color
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