Important Terminologies from Forensic Medicine

Aneurysm: A weakening of the wall of a blood artery that causes dilatation and, in some cases, rupture, resulting in serious bleeding.

Arteriosclerosis: “Hardening of the arteries” – An aging process characterized by the constriction of food vessels due to the accumulation of cholesterol and scar tissue.

Asphyxia: A severe lack of oxygen supply to the body caused by irregular breathing (e.g. choking)

Bruise/Contusion: A blue swelling of blood beneath the skin.

Cerebral-Vascular Attack: A stroke is serious brain damage caused by spontaneous bleeding or thrombosis (blood clot within a blood vessel)

Comminuted Fracture: A break of a bone with separation of the broken ends

Embolus: A thrombus (clot) that separates from the site of formation and goes to another part of the body.

Hemorrhage: Bleeding from outside the body or into one of the body’s cavities.

Hypoxia: A situation in which the body or a portion of the body lacks enough oxygen supply.

Incision: The cutting of the skin with a sharp instrument.

Infarction: Dead tissue in an organ caused by insufficient blood circulation.

Laceration: Laceration is a skin-tearing condition.

Myocardial Infarction: “Heart Attack” – Death of a heart muscle region

Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: Bleeding, often spontaneous, sometimes from an injury, between the brain and the arachnoid.

Subdural Hemorrhage: Bleeding, almost always from an injury, between the inside of the skull and the dura. This accumulation of blood produces pressure on the brain.

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